Практическое руководство. Добавление функциональности веб-браузера в приложения Windows Forms
Элемент управления WebBrowser позволяет добавить в приложение функциональность веб-браузера. По умолчанию он работает как веб-браузер. После загрузки начального URL-адреса путем установки свойства Url можно переходить по гиперссылкам, а также совершать переход вперед и назад по истории навигации с помощью сочетаний клавиш. Дополнительные функциональные возможности браузера по умолчанию доступны в контекстном меню, появляющемся при щелчке правой кнопки мыши. Вы также можете открывать новые документы, сбрасывая их в элемент управления. Кроме того, элемент управления WebBrowser имеет несколько свойств, методов и событий, которые можно использовать для реализации возможностей пользовательского интерфейса, аналогичных имеющимся в Internet Explorer.
В примере кода ниже реализуются адресная строка, стандартные кнопки браузера, меню Файл, строка состояния и строка заголовка, в которой содержится заголовок текущей страницы.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Security.Permissions;
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
// Create the form layout. If you are using Visual Studio,
// you can replace this code with code generated by the designer.
// The following events are not visible in the designer, so
// you must associate them with their event-handlers in code.
webBrowser1.CanGoBackChanged +=
new EventHandler(webBrowser1_CanGoBackChanged);
webBrowser1.CanGoForwardChanged +=
new EventHandler(webBrowser1_CanGoForwardChanged);
webBrowser1.DocumentTitleChanged +=
new EventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentTitleChanged);
webBrowser1.StatusTextChanged +=
new EventHandler(webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged);
// Load the user's home page.
// Displays the Save dialog box.
private void saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Displays the Page Setup dialog box.
private void pageSetupToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Displays the Print dialog box.
private void printToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Displays the Print Preview dialog box.
private void printPreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(
object sender, EventArgs e)
// Displays the Properties dialog box.
private void propertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click(
object sender, EventArgs e)
// Selects all the text in the text box when the user clicks it.
private void toolStripTextBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Navigates to the URL in the address box when
// the ENTER key is pressed while the ToolStripTextBox has focus.
private void toolStripTextBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
// Navigates to the URL in the address box when
// the Go button is clicked.
private void goButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Navigates to the given URL if it is valid.
private void Navigate(String address)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) return;
if (address.Equals("about:blank")) return;
if (!address.StartsWith("http://") &&
address = "http://" + address;
webBrowser1.Navigate(new Uri(address));
catch (System.UriFormatException)
// Updates the URL in TextBoxAddress upon navigation.
private void webBrowser1_Navigated(object sender,
WebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs e)
toolStripTextBox1.Text = webBrowser1.Url.ToString();
// Navigates webBrowser1 to the previous page in the history.
private void backButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Disables the Back button at the beginning of the navigation history.
private void webBrowser1_CanGoBackChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
backButton.Enabled = webBrowser1.CanGoBack;
// Navigates webBrowser1 to the next page in history.
private void forwardButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Disables the Forward button at the end of navigation history.
private void webBrowser1_CanGoForwardChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
forwardButton.Enabled = webBrowser1.CanGoForward;
// Halts the current navigation and any sounds or animations on
// the page.
private void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Reloads the current page.
private void refreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Skip refresh if about:blank is loaded to avoid removing
// content specified by the DocumentText property.
if (!webBrowser1.Url.Equals("about:blank"))
// Navigates webBrowser1 to the home page of the current user.
private void homeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Navigates webBrowser1 to the search page of the current user.
private void searchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Prints the current document using the current print settings.
private void printButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Updates the status bar with the current browser status text.
private void webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = webBrowser1.StatusText;
// Updates the title bar with the current document title.
private void webBrowser1_DocumentTitleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Text = webBrowser1.DocumentTitle;
// Exits the application.
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The remaining code in this file provides basic form initialization and
// includes a Main method. If you use the Visual Studio designer to create
// your form, you can use the designer generated code instead of this code,
// but be sure to use the names shown in the variable declarations here,
// and be sure to attach the event handlers to the associated events.
private WebBrowser webBrowser1;
private MenuStrip menuStrip1;
private ToolStripMenuItem fileToolStripMenuItem,
saveAsToolStripMenuItem, printToolStripMenuItem,
printPreviewToolStripMenuItem, exitToolStripMenuItem,
pageSetupToolStripMenuItem, propertiesToolStripMenuItem;
private ToolStripSeparator toolStripSeparator1, toolStripSeparator2;
private ToolStrip toolStrip1, toolStrip2;
private ToolStripTextBox toolStripTextBox1;
private ToolStripButton goButton, backButton,
forwardButton, stopButton, refreshButton,
homeButton, searchButton, printButton;
private StatusStrip statusStrip1;
private ToolStripStatusLabel toolStripStatusLabel1;
private void InitializeForm()
webBrowser1 = new WebBrowser();
menuStrip1 = new MenuStrip();
fileToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
saveAsToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
toolStripSeparator1 = new ToolStripSeparator();
printToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
printPreviewToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
toolStripSeparator2 = new ToolStripSeparator();
exitToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
pageSetupToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
propertiesToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
toolStrip1 = new ToolStrip();
goButton = new ToolStripButton();
backButton = new ToolStripButton();
forwardButton = new ToolStripButton();
stopButton = new ToolStripButton();
refreshButton = new ToolStripButton();
homeButton = new ToolStripButton();
searchButton = new ToolStripButton();
printButton = new ToolStripButton();
toolStrip2 = new ToolStrip();
toolStripTextBox1 = new ToolStripTextBox();
statusStrip1 = new StatusStrip();
toolStripStatusLabel1 = new ToolStripStatusLabel();
new ToolStripItem[] {
saveAsToolStripMenuItem, toolStripSeparator1,
pageSetupToolStripMenuItem, printToolStripMenuItem,
printPreviewToolStripMenuItem, toolStripSeparator2,
propertiesToolStripMenuItem, exitToolStripMenuItem
fileToolStripMenuItem.Text = "&File";
saveAsToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Save &As...";
pageSetupToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Page Set&up...";
printToolStripMenuItem.Text = "&Print...";
printPreviewToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Print Pre&view...";
propertiesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Properties";
exitToolStripMenuItem.Text = "E&xit";
printToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.P;
saveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click);
pageSetupToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(pageSetupToolStripMenuItem_Click);
printToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(printToolStripMenuItem_Click);
printPreviewToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(printPreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click);
propertiesToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(propertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click);
exitToolStripMenuItem.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(exitToolStripMenuItem_Click);
toolStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] {
goButton, backButton, forwardButton, stopButton,
refreshButton, homeButton, searchButton, printButton});
goButton.Text = "Go";
backButton.Text = "Back";
forwardButton.Text = "Forward";
stopButton.Text = "Stop";
refreshButton.Text = "Refresh";
homeButton.Text = "Home";
searchButton.Text = "Search";
printButton.Text = "Print";
backButton.Enabled = false;
forwardButton.Enabled = false;
goButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(goButton_Click);
backButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(backButton_Click);
forwardButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(forwardButton_Click);
stopButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(stopButton_Click);
refreshButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(refreshButton_Click);
homeButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(homeButton_Click);
searchButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(searchButton_Click);
printButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(printButton_Click);
toolStripTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(250, 25);
toolStripTextBox1.KeyDown +=
new KeyEventHandler(toolStripTextBox1_KeyDown);
toolStripTextBox1.Click +=
new System.EventHandler(toolStripTextBox1_Click);
webBrowser1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
webBrowser1.Navigated +=
new WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler(webBrowser1_Navigated);
Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {
webBrowser1, toolStrip2, toolStrip1,
menuStrip1, statusStrip1, menuStrip1 });
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
Компиляция кода
Для этого примера требуются:
- ссылки на сборки
Сведения о выполнении сборки этого примера из командной строки для Visual Basic или Visual C#, см. в разделе построение из командной строки или командной строки создания с помощью csc.exe. Можно также сборке этого примера в Visual Studio путем вставки кода в новый проект.